Thursday, 20 February 2020

Te Poho Rawiri marae Visit

Te Poho Rawiri Marae Visit

Brum, brum, brum. We were driving as fast as a truck to Te Poho Rawiri Marae. We were going to have a stay there for the night. We first got there and we sat down and we put our luggage down on the grass where everyone put theirs.

It was exciting to go to a marae, we waited for a long time then we all went inside. There was lots of patterns and carvings. We sat down and then we got up and then we all did the hongi. The parents did it first and then us kids did.

After we went in, it was massive and the rooms were huge. there was so much space and it was awesome. We put our luggage in it and then we were off, we went outside and got in our groups and then we went to our rotations. First I did flax weaving and then I did some toi. We had to get a carving we liked and then take a crayon and paper then use the side of the crayon and color where the the pattern is and then cut it out and stick it on some paper. My next rotation was cups,