Thursday, 30 September 2021

Walk To The Start Of Hamanatua Stream

This week, we went to the start of Hamanatua stream. We started by walking to Scarlys way. When we finally got to Scarlys way, we went through a gate which lead to a small stream that wasn't connected to the Hamanatua. It was too long to jump, so we had to walk on a narrow plank. I kind of made it because only one of my shoes got wet. But the bad thing was, they were my two-hundred dollar shoes! The funny thing was that Rio threw Lola's bag and it fell in the water, it was soaked. Also, Tre tried to get a run up and leap but he slipped on the plank and fell in the water. It was hilarious, even though I felt bad for Tre.

After that incident, we continued. It was pretty rough, it was really muddy and slippery and my shoes got so muddy.(fortunately, after school Jandre helped me clean my shoes.) I was so unlucky when mud was sticking to my shoes and starting to build up, because it was so heavy. We had a break at a purere tree and had some kai. I had a pretty bad lunch, but I did have some nutella bread sticks, which I quickly ate. Soon after, we had our kai, we continued. We saw a calf that was resting, which I thought was dead; Everyone was exhausted, we had been walking for so long, Past the slippery mud and the steep climbs. Finally, we made it. After all the time that we spent travelling here, we made it.

When we turned back, and were back to where the calf was, Koka Rozie checked if it was alive. Turns out that it was alive, and it was scared! It quickly hopped away and to the safety of it's mother. Then we walked back. it was very easy because it was only down hill. When we made it to the start again, I didn't try to jump because I knew I wouldn't make. So I just jumped in and slowly walk across.(At least it cleaned my shoes.) All of us then walked back to school.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Maths Workshop T3 W3

This week, I was in a maths workshop. We were learning about decimals, and how to use place value to solve equations. We started out by picking some random one digit numbers, with only the tenths column in use for decimals. We picked two different numbers and we had to minus or plus, let me explain. We pick one number that is greater and one that is less, so we take away a certain amount, until the greater number is equal to the lower number. Or, we add to the lower number until it is equal to the greater number.

 Next, we were going to do two digit numbers. Koka Rozie picked two people to pick a random two digit number. Also we were going to add hundreths to our number to make it more hard. Honestly, I think the maths we were doing was too easy for me but I still gave it a go. I easily completed the equation and and the workshop was over so I packed my stuff and left. I think I should be moved up because i'm nailing my maths workshops, don't you think?

Friday, 30 July 2021

The Olympic Booklet

This week, we are doing research about the Olympics, we are recording some of our research in booklets. We are doing this because of the Tokyo Olympics, which began on Friday 23rd of July 2021, and will end on Sunday 8th of August. We started out by colouring in the Olympic rings and showing what they represent, like the blue ring represents Europe, the yellow ring Asia, the black ring Africa, also the green one is Australia or Oceania and the red ring is America. (The funny thing about the Tokyo olympics is that they named it the Tokyo Olympics 2020 but we are in 2021!) Then we did a complicated Olympic fact file, let me explain, we had to research the questions that were on the sheet, and write the answer under it.

On the next page, I had to draw a picture of my favourite kiwi athlete. I had to write down their date of birth, age, hometown, sport, first Olympics and achievements. I also had to do a biography (someone's life written by someone else). The person I chose to be my favourite, was Peter Snell, he won the eight-hundred and one thousand-five-hundred metre running races. He won three Olympic gold medals!. Next, we had to write a medal table and write down ten different countries. After that, there were even more questions that needed to be answered, so I started researching. Finally for the last one I did some drawing. I had to draw anime, manga, kawaii and k-pop. I started with k-pop, I just wrote BTS  k-pop and moved on to kawaii. I did a potato with a derpy face. We are going to be writing and researching in this Olympic booklet for one or two weeks. Overall, I'm enjoying studying the Olympics. Who knows, maybe someone will be researching me one day?

Friday, 25 June 2021

Maths Workshops T2 W8

 This week, on thursday, I went to a maths workshop. We did division with sushi, let me explain, One roll of sushi has 8 pieces, and 4 pieces go in one box so all we had to do is first, Times the first number by eight, and then get the answer and finally, divide it by four. But, I have a more efficient method of doing it. Half of four is two so you just have to half the number twice e.g. six times eight equals forty-eight, forty-eight divided by two equals twenty-four, twenty-four divided by two equals twelve. It was hard at the start, but when I got that Idea, I cruised through them. The easiest equation was zero times eight, I just had to write down zeros.

It also helped sharpen my eight times tables and helped give me a good method when dividing by four.
We had some more equations like seven times eight equals fifty-six, fifty-six divided by two equals twenty-eight, twenty-eight divided by two equals fourteen. When we finished,I was very happy because I had learnt a good strategy when dividing by four which could help me in intermediate.

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

LTP 2 T2 W6

On wednesday, term 2 week 6 we did more wood burning with Koka rozie. We quickly got into the rules and we were off, I carefully started by shaping out my wood with my wood knives and making it more clean, while also being careful with them. I saw Koka terri with her baby and she was adorable, Koka rozie cracked up when I said that a small stick was the babies weight and she was working out.

 I was almost done with my piece of wood and then the bell rang and we had to pack up, I was playing with Koka terri's baby for most of the time but it was pretty fun.
Jago was trying to get a piece of wood to look like a spear head and glue it to a straight stick, other people had different ideas like a sword and a knife, but I thought jago's spear was better. I got some shine cards, two for cleaning up and one for being respectful on the mat.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Learning Through Play T2 W4

Last tuesday we did ltp, and I went to woodburning. But this time, I brought wood knives ( I had a kit to carry them of course or my bag would be ruined), when we sat down, I quickly put my wood knife kit on a table then sat down. Koka Jo told everyone the rules and who was going to use the woodburners first and she also mentioned how I brought some wood knives and I told everyone very specifically that you had to ask before use them, second, Make the tip face the way a soft foam piece in the kit so the kit doesn't get scratched. Last, you had to use one at a time and put them in the kit, not on the table.

Before we even started people started asking, I said yes and I sat down at a table people started surrounding me so I just said only a few people at a time. I started by getting a flat one so I could scrape all the extra pieces of wood off and make my driftwood more clean looking, also some people were not doing what I told them, they were not placing my wood knives on the foam side so I decided to give each person 3 warnings and if they break the rules to many times they would restricted to use them(I said that only to scare them I wouldn't actually do that).

 My wood knives came in all shapes and sizes(they didn't come in all shapes and sizes but I still had ten to choose from). when we had to pack up, I rounded up everyone who use the wood knives and told them to come help pick up the small pieces of shaved wood and put them away. When everyone finally came, hunter had already cleaned the table.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Little Blue Penguin Forms

A few weeks ago, MLH went around moana road and douglas. We went around putting forms in peoples mailboxes so we could find out if they had seen any little blue penguins, where they spotted them and when they saw them. We went into three group and went through douglas and moana road continuously sliding them in the mailboxes, we had two forms each that we had to hand out and when we ran out Koka Ngaire gave us Two more. But soon we ran out and couldn't give any more forms, so we decided to head back to school. It was pretty fun going out and putting forms in mailboxes, I even got to go past my parents store (which is the okitu store).

most of the people signed the form (except the people who didn't get one because we never did another walk) so we got a ton of forms that someone had to check.

Thursday, 13 May 2021


 This week we were digi digging and were learning to keep safe online by playing interland. Its a game about learning to keep safe online, stopping cyberbullies, being kind online, have a strong password that hackers won't be able to unlock to keep your personal information secure and not falling for scams that are too good to be true. We had to be in a group with our blogging buddies so I was in a group with Lola, we went into kind kingdom, where bullies were sending bad messages to other people, so we had to give them good comments and we had to jump from one floating island to another and if we made enough people happy, a pole with a platform would come up and you could jump from it to the floating island that was unreachable.

Their were also other places called Mindful Mountain,Tower of Treasure, Reality River and Kind Kingdom which I've already mentioned. But we had to do Kind kingdom because Koka Ngaire said we have to, and there were also microphones that you could use to report bullies and remove them, there were also traps that you had to use to trap the bullies, some said "No fair." and "Keep you kindness to yourself." It took quite a while to get to the end but there was more questions, we had to fill in the sentences to make the sentences full and also not make them bad. At the end, there was an enormous bully that you had to turn into a good person, by making everyone happy and them sharing their happiness with the bully to make him happy and to make him stop bullying. When we finished we had to do a flipgrid on what we learnt, I recommend other people play this game so they can learn how to be better online.

Friday, 7 May 2021

How to carry your chromebook posters

On Tuesday, 2021 term 2 week 1, we did a big think poster on how to carry your chromebook and how to stay cybersmart on it, but you could only choose one. I chose how to carry your chromebook, and you also had to do it with a partner, so I teamed up with Taimana and we came up with a simple but great idea (you will find out later in this blog). Most people did how to carry a chromebook and I didn't know if our idea would be good but it was pretty straightforward, our poster said "Forklift hold, is the right way to hold."

There was a picture of me, forklift holding my chromebook and also a forklift next to me. When we took it to Koka Ngaire she said it was great and she even printed it out! But ours wasn't the best it was Momo and Cash's poster, on their poster I saw a big picture of Momo doing the forklift carry. But ours was still an honourable mention. Altogether there were five posters that were printed including our poster, now they are in our classes, to remind us how we should carry our chromebooks and how to stay cybersmart on them.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Cooks Cove walk

After a long drive we finally reached Cooks Cove, when we came to the entrance, Koka ngaire cover some ground rules for safety, and she also put us in groups with different parents. Then the climb started, at the start climbing wasn't that hard, we just had to walk up some stairs but soon after it started to get difficult. It became more steeper and more people were huffing and puffing very frequently, but just then we made it to the Beacon of Light, was was a large structure representing Cooks arrival. there was concrete that went 12 metres deep into the earth to hold it in place.

I sighed in relief but there was way more walking then i had hoped for, we kept on walking uphill until we reached downhill. i spilt some of my water on the dry ground, the thirsty ground quickly drank up the water. Downhill was much less tiring than going uphill, everyone quickly ran down the steep hills and we made it to the porta-potty and surprisingly only the boys had to go. From their I could see the end of cooks cove I patiently but excitedly waited until everyone was out. After everyone came out we made it to the end of cooks cove. But their was still the journey back.

we sat down and ate our food, after we ate our food we went back to the porta-potty where there was a picture frame.