Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The Fantastic Week 4

The Fantastic Week 4

The week so far has been a good one, in ltp I joined cardboard nation and I was with ethan. we were planning on making a bird box with cardboard, straws, barbecue sticks and a ping pong ball. We started making the box with the cardboard and barbecue sticks, we stabbed the barbecue sticks into the box because it was falling apart.  

 It helped keep the box up, and we used straws to make some areas where the birds could perch on. It was almost done and we were making some progress, we added some details and some more straws. We put barbecue sticks in the straws to make them stronger and harder to break. It made me feel creative and I liked how we used teamwork, Finally we were done. 

Koka Jo took a picture and I took it home.

↪Complementary results


Friday, 24 July 2020



What does it mean if an animal is endangered:
It is at risk of extinction and their population is low, and in some cases their rarer to spot. It also means their population is lowering, and that they might die out all together. Endangered means that  they are at risk of extinction but some are at serious risk and will not survive for long.

How are humans responsible for endangering animals: They are because they kill them for their meat, bones, teeth, fur and horns. They kill them to make money. This is true for the tiger and many other animals like the panda and the polar bear. We destroy their habitat by chopping down too many trees and polluting and littering on land and in the ocean.

Why must we protect endangered animals: We have to because we chopped down to many trees and littered and pollute their habitat, we kill animals to make money and we sometimes even kill them for fun. If we don't protect them their will be less animals and if bees become extinct their will be less fruits and vegetation.

What can humans do to help endangered animals: 
Eat less meat, walk or cycle most of the time instead of using a car and recycle as much as you can whenever possible. Don't kill animals for fun or for money, pollute less and don't litter. Help an animal if its injured by calling a vet as soon as you can.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

The Fantastic Week 3

The Fantastic Week 3

The week has so far been amazing, because we have been doing something fun. We have been on a mission called mission impossible. It was about Nga Ngaru, we had to observe to see how much action was happening.

We had to write down what we saw and what we heard, it sounded exciting. When I went in I saw them playing I was watching everyone it was interesting, some kids were playing snakes and ladders, I saw phoenix playing with george. for phoenix he got six 5 times in the match and george got 3 sixes.

When their playtime was over they rapidly packed up everything and walked over to room 8 and sat quietly. Then they walked out and got their food. Some went outside to eat while some ate inside then I asked some of them what they were doing when it was playtime and got some more information. Then we left and shared our reflection.